• A Great Sport for Everyon

    Association football, also known as 'football' or 'futebol', is a contact sport played between two parallel teams of eleven players each. It is the most popular sport in the world, with an estimated 250 million people playing it in more than 200 countries and colonies. It has also become one of the most familiar sports in the world, with huge global following and established fan bases.


    The basic rules of Association football are simple; the ball is normally played by two teams at each end of the pitch. The object of the game is for the team playing at one end of the field to kick the ball past their opponents at the other end of the field. In matches, two referees usually officiate the game, taking charge of the refereeing duties. These officials are not allowed to call offsides or to take the action of stopping play, but they may award penalties or dismiss a player.


    Association football is ผล บอล สด พรีเมียร์ ลีก อังกฤษ คืน นี้ played in regulation form with three different types of field layouts. The parlour (or forward line) is the area behind the goals, marked by white lines on the ground which serve as the 'attendance' area. The foul line is the area behind both the foul line and the ball-carrier's path on the halfway line. The half-way line is the innermost part of the pitch, which includes the goal area. Lastly there is the central line, which marks the centre of the playing field.


    When playing Association football, the ball must be touched only by members of the team or by the referee before it is played forward. If any part of the ball moves outside the recognised playing area, the play is stopped and the opposing team receives a penalty kick. Touching the football when not wearing the appropriate foot gear can result in a penalty or even a red card, which may carry suspension from the next match. Any part of the foot worn by an opponent while touching the football is also deemed guilty and a penalty is given. Failure to recognise another member of the team or the referee while the play is going on will also result in a foul being committed.


    There are some minor differences between the rules of Association football and soccer. For instance, in Association football the ball can only be touched by members of the side that is being played and if the ball is then forward, the ball is played forward by another member of that side. In soccer the other team can assist the forward but only if the ball is touched by a member of that side. Lastly, the goal is scored when a team scores more goals than the other team.


    Football is exciting, challenging and fun sport for everyone to play. The sport is played throughout the country and is growing in popularity. You don't need any special skills to play the sport. In fact, most people start playing just for the fun of it. Even a person with bad hips can play football as the force of the impact of the feet hitting the ground is much less than a ball which is hit with a golf club. This makes it easier for all ages to pick up the sport.